IB Geography Experiential Fieldwork
Last Friday, LAS IB Geography students adventured out into the field for a day of hands-on, experiential learning. In accordance with IB curricular guidelines, this trip empowers students to "undertake fieldwork collecting primary information and produce one written report that is based on a fieldwork question" (IB Geography guide).
Our incredible alpine location means that fieldwork days take place in a truly spectacular environment. For this experiential learning opportunity, LAS IB Geography students took part in a river fieldwork day in Leysin's neighboring village, Les Diablerets, in the shadow of Glacier 3000.
Together, they undertook a study on the characteristics of a local river, 'Le Grande Eau' and compared it to a theoretical model (The Bradshaw model).
Measuring the width of the 'Le Grande Eau'.
As part of their study, students recorded such variables as the width, depth and velocity of the river at a number of locations and over a kilometer long stretch.
Back in the classroom this week, the students have worked with their self-collected data, comparing and contrasting the information they collected to the theoretical model they are studying.
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