Globe Day Science Fair Speakers 2019
LAS Globe Day Speakers ´19
In 2015, LAS launched its annual student-led Globe Day science fair, which expanded to include invited regional secondary schools from around Switzerland. In addition to giving students a chance to present their projects, students engage with experts, train in scientific methods, and are coached by teachers and scientists. The Globe Day fair also features keynote speeches, and this year we have some exciting ones lined up!
Tara Feret Erath, the Deputy Chief of Mission to the U.S. Embassy in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, has served in Bern since June 2016. Previously, she was the Director of the State Department’s Nordic and Baltic Affairs Oce. Other assignments include Economic Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul; Acting Director of the Oce of European Union and Regional Affairs; Economic Counselor in Brasilia; Member of the Secretary’s Policy Planning Staff; Director for Investment, Agriculture and Sanctions at the National Security Council; and tours in Brussels, Paris and Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. She holds a BA from Williams College in Economics and in French and a MS from the Eisenhower School of the National Defense University in National Resource Strategy. She speaks German, French and Portuguese. Ms. Erath will be speaking (in English!) on the importance of diplomacy.
Johannah Bernstein is an international environmental lawyer who works closely with the Lemania School and the community of Verbier. She’ll be presenting on innovations that ski resorts are developing to Go Green! Her style is very interactive as she always uses a Socratic approach when she teaches and presents. Johannah has devoted her entire professional life to advancing the cause of multilateral environmental diplomacy and advocacy. She has been involved in many of the international environment and development negotiations since 1991, as advisor to national governments, UN agencies, international NGOs and the private sector. She holds law degrees from Oxford University and Osgoode Hall Law School as well as a BA in Human Ecology from the College of the Atlantic.
HA!Man describes the term HA! as not being able to define or describe what the event will be like, except that it will surprise, it will hit right to the heart, and it will cover a virtual world journey of styles and feelings and textures. A HA! event is an adventurous experience, extraordinary, yet accessible to all, leaving deep and lasting impressions. It is creativity in action. Most of HA!Man’s creativity springs from a flow of feeling, a breath (HA!) of skillful and three-dimensionally framed spontaneity in a world still very much dominated by mental predetermination. High-end technology enables the creation of layered accompaniments in a comprehensive array of styles and textures, as well as sound effects and visual projection. HA!Man will be composing a piece with LAS students that will be performed at the closing of Globe Day 2019.
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