Dodgeball and Dorm Olympics: Spirit Week at LAS!
Here at LAS, we love getting into the spirit of friendly competitions and events! Spirit week this week was a great way for our students to compete against their peers (and even faculty members!), and have some fun after school!
Monday: Dodgeball
The dodgeball games on Monday started out strong, with our students competing with high energy and great sportsmanship! Dodgeball is always a favorite at our school, and lots of students turned up to participate and support their friends! However, the teacher team was victorious in the final round against… Well done to everyone involved!
Tuesday: Basketball and Football
Congratulations to the student girls & boys basketball teams for beating the Faculty Team 52 points to 41! This was a highly entertaining game with lots of energy and dynamism, and the student team’s training and practice really shone through.
In addition to basketball, our girls and boys soccer teams also took part in games against Beau Soleil. Well done to both teams for trying their best and maintaining team spirit throughout the game! We can really see the progress the teams have made, and we were really impressed by their sportsmanship and team spirit. After all, that’s what Spirit Week is all about!
Wednesday: Dorm Olympics
Dorm Olympics is an annual event that our students love! In this event, dorms compete against each other in a series of activities to see which dorm comes out on top. Students really took this tournament in their stride and came dressed in their dorm T-shirts, ready to make lots of noise! Students took part in fun activities such as egg toss, the chair challenge, the chopstick challenge, and the Oreo face challenge, to name a few! What resulted was a three-way tie between between Savoy, Beau Site, and Esplanade. Well done, everyone!
Thursday: Football and Food Trucks!
Congratulations to our girls and boys football teams, who competed against Kumon at Lower Sporting and won their matches! This event was a lot of fun, and we had a really great turnout of student support! To add to the excitement, we had food trucks at Lower Sporting to meet the students after their games! It was great to enjoy the sunshine outside, and the food trucks were a fantastic reward for our hardworking players and everyone in the community. What a treat just before cultural trips!
Friday: DJ, Mocktails, and Ice Cream in the Cave!
To end a full-packed week, we are hosting a fun event in the Cave at the Belle Époque Campus this evening! We have one of our students, Taisei ‘25, DJing for the event, and our students can enjoy mocktails and ice cream with their friends. Since the Cave’s renovation over the summer break, it’s an even better place for students to hang out. We can’t wait to open up this space for everyone in the community!